Howard Neukrug

Howard headshot

Executive DirectorProfessor of Practice, Department of Earth and Environmental ScienceBoard Certified Professional EngineerBoard Certified Environmental Engineer

McNeil Building Rm 411
3718 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Howard Neukrug is the former Commissioner and CEO of Philadelphia Water, where he was responsible for all aspects of utility operations, environmental compliance, engineering, financing, budgeting, capital and strategic planning, customer service, human resources, and legal and policy decisions for its drinking water/wastewater/stormwater system serving 2.3 million people. At Penn, he is the director of the Water Center and teaching courses on the water industry and the role of water in urban sustainability and resiliency. He is also a Principal with CASE Environmental, LLC, where he provides consulting services to cities and utilities in urban planning, systems design, sustainability, organizational development, strategic planning and trends and innovations in the global water industry.


BS, Civil and Urban Engineering, University of Pennsylvania

Research Interests

Infrastructure/Utility Management and Funding; Urban Resilience & Sustainability; Watershed Planning & Governance; Source Water Protection; Water Treatment & Resue; Climate Change Adaptation; Flood Risk and Stormwater Management

Courses Taught
  • ENVS 410-301 The Role of Water in Urban Sustainability and Resiliency
  • ENVS 629-660 The U.S. Water Industry in the 21st Century