Catawba Wateree Integrated Water Resources Plan


The Catawba Wateree Basin includes more than 367 river miles and 11 interconnected reservoirs with 12 hydro-electric power plants and several other power plants throughout the basin. The basin’s waters also provide drinking water for several communities in the basin. The Catawba Wateree Water Management Group (CWWMG) is made up of approximately 70 municipal and energy stakeholders. In 2015, the group adopted a water supply management plan and in 2021, they began updating that plan and converting it to an integrated water resources plan to better represent the group’s comprehensive approach to long-term planning that considers water supply, water demand, water quality and source water protection. This 4-year planning process includes multiple tasks, including coordination with regulatory agencies, updating hydrologic models, engaging with a broader set of stakeholders and identifying water quality priorities. An addition to this new plan will be a regional economic impact analysis.


The Water Center will help develop the economic analysis framework for the Catawba Wateree Basin during 2023 with the intention of conducting and completing the analysis is 2024. During 2023, The Water Center will: 

  1. Participate virtually in quarterly Stakeholder Advisory Team Meetings.
  2. Review IWMP materials and conduct limited literature review of regional economic analyses of water resources/ecosystem service for consideration of CWWMG (Jan – March 2023).
  3. Identify high-level regional economic indicators and key elements for CWWMG review and approval.
  4. Develop three alternative proposed analysis processes for CWWMG review.
  5. Finalize economic analysis process and timeline for CWWMG approval.
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