Philadelphia Green Stormwater Infrastructure Affordability


The City of Philadelphia adopted the innovative Green City Clean Waters (GCCW) plan in 2011 to address combined sewer overflows by creating 9000+ acres of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) to capture 85% of baseline annual wet weather flow into the sewer system. 

Since 2011, additional positive impacts of GCCW include a significant number of new jobs, $60 million added to local economies, and the environmental, social and health benefits of green space. In addition, GSI was found to be more affordable for ratepayers and less energy intensive than gray infrastructure. 

Despite these positive impacts, concern has arisen about how Philadelphia will continue to pay for GSI given challenges associated with GSI implementation, operation and maintenance and the impact of COVID 19 on ratepayers. 

This project seeks to identify how the City can effectively support, incentivize and finance stormwater project implementation on private land while achieving a balance between stormwater rate revenue and stormwater credits to reach the GCCW implementation target by 2036.

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