Water Center Projects

A significant body of applied water research is already completed, underway, or planned by the Water Center.

Understand the underlying issues that caused the water failures in Flint, Michigan and determine whether similar conditions exist in other small, post-industrial, and economically shrinking cities in the Great Lakes region of the US.
Provide research, evaluation of existing affordability programs nationwide, technical assistance and policy guidance to the City of South Bend to develop an effective water affordability program for its residents
Provide an initial assessment of Pittsburgh’s State of its Waters and identify the priorities and drivers of the region’s leading water stakeholders. Identify the threats, opportunities, challenges and weaknesses of Pittsburgh’s critical water issues and create a roadmap for a collaborative multi-stakeholder strategic planning process that will improve the quality and access to water resources for all constituents across Pittsburgh’s three rivers.
Creating a thoughtful, objective, straight-talking guide for local elected and appointed decision-makers in under-resourced urban communities. Guide will assist decision-makers in navigating the wide array of options and opportunities for technical assistance and funding resources available to managers, board members, and elected officials responsible for local stormwater management systems. Additionally, the guide will be structured to assist decision-makers in prioritizing and organizing their internal operations before pursuing specific financing opportunities.
Supporting generation of the necessary political will for integrated water resource management.  Key strategies include expanding support beyond a small group of highly sophisticated stakeholders deeply engaged in current challenges along the Three Rivers Watershed, to engage the larger community – from the urban core to rural stakeholders and building, leveraging and expanding upon the many successful local initiatives already under way.